Monday, August 27, 2018

Screen Reading Articles
In this article, Kevin Kelly explains how humans have gone from reading books to now reading screens. The newest platform for reading and writing is taking place on screens. The article talks about how with a book, the most physical interaction needed is to turn a page whereas now, we are using our hands/ arms to control consoles. We can do so much more with this new technology. When screen reading we can research a word, communicate opinions, share information, and so much more. Technology is everywhere and it continues to evolve everyday. 

In this article, Annie Snead questions why people tend to have a lesser understanding of their reading when on a screen rather than on paper. The screen offers tons of distractions. Everywhere you look, every page you turn, or every site you go on, there will be something like an ad or a video jumping at your attention. The article mentions several pros to reading a paper book rather than digitally. 

The article “Reading in a Whole New Way” seemed to brag more about the increased usage and advantages of technology whereas the article “Everything Science Knows About Reading on Screens” made the point of favoring paper reading. In my opinion, I would have to agree with the second article defending paper reading simply because I know I pay attention better when reading something not on a screen. I do not have near as many distractions right in front of me. 

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